Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Very First Beautiful People of Columbus

This is my first post of my first blog.

This blog is meant to capture and encourage beautiful people doing beautiful things. Some of my favorites are chic and stately old people, people with pets, and unique-wonderful-and-daring fashion decisions.

I feel like unique and daring clothing choices should be celebrated and encouraged, not disparaged and discouraged-which I think happens a little too often in some places around town (coming from someone who favors high-wasted bermuda shorts and harem pants in the Midwest).

So be beautiful, people of Columbus!, so that I can come and take your picture and celebrate how wonderful and unique your fantastic self is! Watch out for me and my little Minolta and keep doing the beautiful things I know you are already doing!

And without further ado, here are the two first additions to the (hopefully!) quickly growing collection!